Different between ID and Class in HTML & CSS


Are you building your programming basic and still not sure about the difference between ID and Class in HTML and CSS, this article is for you.

In HTML and CSS, the “id” and “class” attributes play important roles in identifying and styling elements.

While both attributes serve similar purposes, they have distinct characteristics in usage and patterns.

In this article, we will delve into the differences between the “id” and “class” attributes in HTML and CSS, exploring their unique functionalities and providing best practices for their effective utilization.

Understanding ID in HTML and CSS

ID attribute is used to assign a unique identifier to a specific element in an HTML document.

An ID should be unique within the document, meaning no two elements can share the same “id” value.

Characteristics of the ID

  • Uniqueness: IDs must be unique within an HTML document, ensuring that each element has a distinct identifier.
  • Specificity: CSS styles targeting an element by its ID have the highest specificity, overriding styles targeting the same element by its class or other selectors.
  • Single Usage: An ID can only be assigned to one element, making it suitable for uniquely identifying a specific element.

Example of the ID attribute


<div id="myElement">This is a specific element.</div>

CSS targeting the ID:

#myElement {

color: red;


Understanding Class in HTML and CSS

The “class” attribute is used to group elements that share common characteristics or styles.

Unlike the “id”, multiple elements can share the same class within the same HTML document.

Characteristics of the class attribute

  • Reusability: Classes are designed to be reusable, allowing the same class to be applied to multiple elements throughout the HTML document.
  • Multiple Usage: Multiple elements can have the same class assigned to them, enabling efficient styling and applying consistent styles to related elements.
  • Lower Specificity: Classes have lower specificity compared to IDs. When targeting an element with both an ID and a class, the ID styles will take precedence over class styles.

Example of the class attribute

<div class="myClass">This is a group of elements.</div>

CSS targeting the class:

.myClass {

color: blue;


Differences between ID and Class

  • Uniqueness: IDs must be unique within an HTML document, while classes can be shared by multiple elements.
  • Specificity: IDs have the highest specificity, overriding styles from classes or other selectors when targeting the same element.
  • Usage: IDs are typically used to uniquely identify specific elements, while classes are employed to group elements with shared characteristics or styles.
  • Styling: IDs are commonly used to apply unique styles to specific elements, while classes are often utilized to provide consistent styles to multiple elements.

Best Practices on the Use of ID and Class

  • Use IDs judiciously, assigning them only when a unique identifier is necessary for an element. Overusing IDs can lead to code redundancy and hinder CSS reusability.
  • Utilize classes to group elements with shared characteristics or styles. This promotes efficient styling and enables the consistent application of styles to related elements.
  • Avoid relying heavily on ID-specific styles, as this can limit CSS reusability and increase code maintenance complexities.
  • When styling an element, prefer targeting classes over IDs unless higher specificity is explicitly required.


The “id” attribute is employed to provide a unique identifier for a specific element, while the “class” attribute is used to group elements with shared characteristics or styles.

Understanding the differences between “id” and “class” in HTML and CSS is essential for writing clean, maintainable code.

By utilizing them appropriately, developers can enhance the structure and style of their web pages efficiently.


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